Tastes like poultry

I eat mainly vegetarian since I’m against factory farming. however the reality is, even before I was veggie I seldom ate red meat. I was much more of a poultry or fish woman I guess?

So, poultry is truly the only thing I miss in not eating meat. That all altered today when I found this new discover – meat totally free tuscan breasts. I like that they are not just “veggie” poultry nuggets or patties. Those don’t replace a piece of chicken. however these are amazing!
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Since I am trying to get much more protein, I liked this product even more! Twenty grams of vegetarian protein can be difficult to find.

I threw one of the poultry patties on top of a significant salad. It was delicious! It’s crazy exactly how similar to poultry the structure was too. I am sure these are a new routine product in my buying cart.

Doesn’t that look like poultry to you?

Mid-morning I snacked on the rest of my roasted chickpeas as well as some peanuts.

After lunch I implied to just get a handful of grapes, however now they are all gone. This is why I just recently stopped purchasing grapes at Costco. I would eat the entire 7lbs of uvas in 2 days. Busted.

Now I am off to babysit… See you later ?



साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको





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म एक दिनमा के खान्छु – धावकहरूका लागि

म एक दिनमा के खान्छु – धावकहरूका लागि

म एक रनर द्वारा एक दिन भिडियो मा के खान्छु। खाद्य डायरी जुन मैले केहि खाजा खाजा, खाजा, डिनर र स्नैक्स पनि मेरो मनपर्ने उत्पादनहरू खानामा प्लस सुझावहरू

धावकहरूका लागि उत्कृष्ट प्रोटिन बारहरू- को लागी पहिले एक रन पछि

धावकहरूका लागि उत्कृष्ट प्रोटिन बारहरू- को लागी पहिले एक रन पछि

धावकहरूको लागि उत्तम प्रोटिन बारहरू। एक रन अघि, एक रन र स्नैक्स पछि मेरो शीर्ष 5 मनपर्दो बारहरू साथै पोषण ब्रेकडाउन

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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