Meal planning Monday

considering that I had a bit ol’ half marathon yesterday I took today off from running. My legs felt fine as well as I understand I might bust out a run, however running injuries are frequently overuse injuries as well as creep up on us. much better to avoid someday of running than 6 weeks like when I hurt my IT Band.

Don’t run with scissors, or with worn out muscles!
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I took the Covid19 Antibody Test. Here’s exactly how it went as well as the results!

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 19 seconds

5 minute Run warm Up A


So, I made breakfast before work as well as really hoped to get in a workout at the gymbo. Egg burrito with chuckling cow as well as an apple.

Like I pointed out this morning, my fitness center is having a huge celebration today as well as I grabbed a few grapes since they were there.

And I was able to capture in a quick breast as well as triceps workout! All I requirement is to in shape in 30 minutes of cardio as well as I’ll be happy!

On the method house from my morning shift I stopped to get groceries. We were quite much out of whatever – milk, bread, eggs, veggies…

I totally stocked up on nuts since I like them as well as dug into the canister on the method home. If I don’t have fat with breakfast I absolutely feel hungry earlier!

I did a total grocery haul, however shopped without a listing or a plan.

So, I generally spent our entire grocery budget plan for the week as well as I’m not sure precisely what I’m making?!?! When I got house as well as put whatever away I made a decision to make a meal plan with what we have as well as make it work.

Meal plan for 3/26/12

Breakfasts – Egg sandwiches or Oatmeal

Lunches – Soup or Salad w/ leftovers

Snacks: Yogurt, Nuts, String Cheese, difficult boiled Eggs, protein Shake


Monday – Turkey as well as Kale Soup (inspired by Giada, however I’m making up the recipe)

Tuesday – wonderful potatoes as well as crab cakes (frozen)

Wednesday – WW couscous with beans

Thursday – poultry stir-fry

Friday – heading out of town… so I stocked Ben up with juice, chorizo as well as eggs. That’s all he needs to be happy.

Saturday – Out of town!

Lunch was a salad as well as string cheese for protein.

And half a protein bar sample I discovered when I put the nuts away.

Question: Do you do all your grocery buying for the week in someday or hit up the stores often? I like going to the store, however I end up costs method as well much.

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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चलिरहेको wornout क्यालेन्डर। जुलाई 2020 को लागि राक्षसी फ्रिटल हिजोनामेन्ट प्रिन्ट गरिएको पत्रिका चलिरहेको छ

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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