Warm Fuzzies with Soffe physical fitness gear

This is a sponsored publish written by me in behalf of Soffe. All opinions are 100% mine.

I was just recently contacted by somebody from Soffe to try their physical fitness gear. instantly the name of the business caught my eye. I understood I kept in mind it from somewhere… however where?!
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

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Then it hit me with a flood of warm fuzzies deep down in my tiny lil black heart soul. I utilized to wear Soffe gear when I was a cheerleader!

I keep in mind the business name from the tag on my applaud shorts from the summertime before sixth grade. I just made the squad as well as was soooooo excited.

You don’t comprehend – I wished to make it so much it hurt. as well as I did. It was the best.

Your 11 year old Monican wore those applaud shorts as well as shirts as well as sweatshirts proudly. Soffe made a great deal of the clothes we used for summertime camp. So when they contacted me about testing out a few of their physical fitness gear I understood I was READY! ल!!

Ha! I had to 

Soffe sent me a adorable racer back storage tank as well as super sassy pair of capris.

Where RunEatRepeat as well as Monican the cheerleader collide… (see: my professional photographer is getting upset that I’m just acting silly so this is what I get)

The back of the tank:


except I had to customize the RER present a bit in honor of this reunion…

धेरै मन पर्यो!

Soffe’s Instagram  Soffe’s Facebook

Question: What sports or teams or activities did you do as a kid?

Do you still do them?

Sadly I had to retire my applaud shoes when I graduated high school. तपाईलाई स्वागत छ।

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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मेरो मनपर्ने आर्थिक र राम्रा लेगिंगहरू अहिले

कर्भ, फिलाको लागि उत्तम लेगिंगहरू साथै बटहरू। राइगर्सको लागि सुन्दर रूपमा सुन्दरताका साथै प्रकाशिकल लेगिंगहरू। Lulu dupe। एथलेटो खोप

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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