Kickin It

I liked kickboxing! It wasn’t difficult cardio wise, but it was a bit difficult to learn all the moves that everyone else seemed to already know. I think my dance/cheer background assisted me catch on fast though ?

I don’t know what it is but I feel hungry as soon as I leave the gym. I’m thinking it may be dehydration? Hmmm.
MY latest VIDEOS

Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills!

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 19 seconds

Unorthodox book and Netflix review


Anyways, as soon as I got home I put some eggs to boil for a deviled egg sandwich. I always double inspect how to make hard-boiled eggs and these ones came out perfect! I used “How to make the perfect hard boiled egg” from this site.

While the eggs were cooking I made a big fruit salad. कस्तो राम्रो! I tossed the fruit in a bit OJ and cinnamon (a tie with garlic for my fave spice).

Then, it was lunch time! Deviled egg sandwich, carrots and veggie straws. I definitely had 2x the straws shown here. It’s so weird how much I am addicted to these things, normally I’m a sweet not salty girl, but I can’t get enough of this salty snack!In the news – A new study states running helps your memory! too bad there are so many things I’d rather forget…

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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