IronMan Texas press conference and Expo

after this morning’s double whammy run it was time for a good meal. The group went to Gaido’s for lunch.

I cannot get rid of these crabs! who says I want to?
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 1

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 12 seconds

I got A Covid-19 Test


We started with bread. It was very cake-like in consistency without being too sweet. I actually would have liked it either sweeter or a savory-er. pick a side!

I got a salad for some greens and vitamins. The house made dressing was really good – slightly sweet and packed with pecans.

For my main course I bought the mahi mahi grilled with asparagus. It was good, but better with the garlic butter sauce, obviously.

And I do have to note this mac n’ cheese. I always say I haven’t had good mac n’ cheese. Well, I finally did! This was magical and now I can finally understand why people call this comfort food.

Everyone* at the table got dessert (*except Ben who is on a high fat diet that intrigues Kelly & I to a point that probably makes him uncomfortable). I opted to just steal a few bites of Kelly’s ball.

And I tried a bite of crème brulee. I didn’t think I liked crème brulee, but this won me over. It’s still not “real” dessert, as that would have to include chocolate.

After lunch we headed to the Ironman expo and press conference. We have full media access to all of tomorrow’s events too!

The expo was pretty small by “big race” standards, but Ray said this was normal for triathlons.

We walked around the expo, getting sunburnt . I didn’t realize the expo and press conference were going to be outside and I got FRIED! I’m a lobster blogging from my hotel room ideal now.

We identified Chris Lieto’s daddy enjoying the recovery boot booth. have you people seen this?! It’s compression for your entire legs that help with blood flow and recovery. It’s also $1000.

Spotted this bumper sticker in the expo parking lot – Mariachi on board. I kinda want to wear a tee shirt saying this when I’m pregnant. के? little Benica could grow up to be a mariachi!

Watching all the athletes set up their bikes in the transition area was exciting. There is absolutely a very amped up buzz in the air!

The press conference featured three top female and three top mail contenders.

There is a ton of buzz around Lance Armstrong doing the race and bringing a lot more publicity to the sport. It was front page news around here!

Marino Vanhoenacker (in the green shirt) currently holds the record for the fastest Ironman time. He said this about competing against Lance Armstrong,”On Sunday if he beats me I won’t be delighted but if I beat him I will be really happy, but all in all it’s good. He is fierce, he is competitive and everybody has told us he can still compete so it is a great thing.”

A reporter asked Lance Armstrong if he thinks he could win the Ironman and he said, “Oh I have no idea. To be fair and sincere I don’t know. undoubtedly I have never done an Ironman, I have done one [Ironman] 70.3 race. When I raced 20 years ago they were much shorter events and the sport was much different, the fields were much different, I think even the level of competition was much different. It’s a big question mark and it’s the reason why I am here, I would like to answer the question for myself and probably for some others. No guarantees on my part but I am going to do whatever I need to do, train hard, be prepared and learn as much as I can because every one of these races is a learning experience for me and I will see and have a good indication at Ironman France if I can ever make a run for it.”

I observed the ladies all pertained to the stage with their own water bottles. maybe they were filled with a magic concoction that helps them be to awesome? maybe they were just making sure to stay hydrated in this heat? You decide.


After the press conference Refuel unveiled Chris Lieto’s new “My After” ad.

And I was about to turn into a grumpy bear when an apple saved the day! (I have started to notice my hunger cues first show up as feeling irritated or anxious. We’ll go over at a a lot more proper time.)

After I was sufficiently fried we headed back to the hotel for a bit of downtime before dinner.

We went to Landry’s a fancy seafood restaurant. I am LOVING all the fish I’m eating on this trip.

Garlic bread and salad to start…

Stuffed tilapia with veggies and a baked potato for the main event. (I bought a baked potato instead of the rice, but they brought both. maybe they thought I was carb loading for the race?)

No carb left behind!

I didn’t realize, but the fake dessert tray was ideal behind me the whole time and someone asked me to get hold of it so they could have a look. I might get a job as a waitress if this whole blogging thing falls through…

Traci’s dessert was crucial lime pie puffs. They are lime, so this just counts as a fruit, right?

Kelly got the bananaचकलेट चिप्सको साथ रोटी पोडिंग। केरानालाई मन नपर्ने बारेमा उनले केहि औंल्याइन् र यसले मेरो मुटुलाई अलि चोट पुर्यायो। म यो बारेमा कुरा गर्न चाहन्न।

ठीक छ, यो 11: 30p र म रातो र थकित छु। मसँग बिहान 5 एक बिहान उठ्ने कल इस्त्री हेनस्टर्ट 700.3 को मजा लिन शुभकामना सबैलाई दौड !!

प्रश्न: तपाईको कम मनपर्ने फल के हो?


मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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