Ben got Coronavirus

I had so many clever titles for this post – but I don’t want to bury the lead. and I do want to give it to you straight. So first, the facts – Ben tested positive for Covid19 about 2 weeks ago. He had been very diligent about wearing a mask, social distance, washing his hands, etc. It’s unclear who he got it from, but he traveled recently and must’ve been exposed at some point.

I’m share this update because it’s important, a good reminder to stay safe and diligent and to be open about how it impacted me. We’re not talking about running or eating, this is more of a journal post.

If you hate it – skip it.

If you love it – let me know.

If you hated it, then loved it, then were ‘meh’ about it – you probably have low blood sugar and should get a snack.

How did he get Covid19?

He had to travel to Florida and got tested as a precaution when he got back to California (he’s here for work right now). He didn’t have any of the major symptoms. We were both shocked that he tested positive for Coronavirus since he followed all the ‘rules’ in terms of hygiene and distance guidelines.

I stayed with him the night he got back from his trip. He picked up Chipotle on the way and we shared food (read as: I ate some of his burrito and I was probably double dipping in the guac). So when he tested positive the next day I had to quarantine with him since I’d been exposed.

Even though we shared food and he was breathing within inches of my face the first night – I tried to make a reasonable effort to not get it (per my mom’s suggestion based on people she’s known where not everyone in a household gets it).

He stayed in the bedroom most of the time and set up fans in the windows to circulate the air (he researched that well ventilated areas are helpful for prevention). He wore a mask when I went in the room to give him food. I stayed and slept in the other room. I sprayed him with Lysol (kidding!).

Please note: While we’ve tried to figure out contract tracing by going over his steps – we don’t know when or how he got it. There might have been human error at some point. His first flight was cancelled and he had to go back the next day (baggage claim, security, car rental -2x). He ate at the airport. I understand that masks and hand washing are very important best practices to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. and him wearing a mask could’ve prevented others from getting it.

My Covid19 test Results

I waited the suggested number of days to get tested myself and took the PCR test (there’s also the option for the rapid test, but it’s not as reliable).

My test came back – negative. 

I’m not sure how I feel about that. before I was tested and got the results I had to act like I had it and I missed Halloween and my niece’s birthday. I already had to miss out on the 4th of July due to a similar situation. Boo.

So even though this sounds bad – I want to be open and honest about how I feel. It sucks. म दुखि छु; मलाई पिर परेको छ।

I’m sad I had to miss out on seeing my nieces’ on Halloween. They’re at this amazing age where they’re so cute and they really like me (I know they’re be too cool for me one day)! and I miss them so much! Then, to miss my niece’s birthday – ugh, I feel so bad. because of social distancing – it was a small gathering to begin with. and she and I had been talking about her birthday for months.

I feel guilty and sad and anxious. and a part of me feels like – all the sacrifices would’ve been easier to accept if it turned out I did have it. I would’ve seen it as though I was protecting my family by not going… instead of missing 2 special days because of a false alarm.

I know I did the right thing. I had to err on the side of caution. I would NOT want to expose anyone to Covid19.

But being exposed, having to quarantine, not knowing if I had it, missing out on family events during a time when being able to see family like that are already so rare…then finding out I didn’t have it so I might have to do this whole sad song and dance again?! It made me sad. and I want to be happy so bad.

In summary: It’s okay that I feel this way and I want to share all my honest feelings. but I have perspective and realize if my biggest heartbreak this year is that I missed out on family parties and not that I miss a family member that passed away due to Covid – I’m very grateful.

I’m very blessed and lucky that I didn’t get sick. Ben didn’t get very sick. He didn’t get anyone we know sick. He got a contract job a few months ago in a time when a lot of people have lost their jobs.

I’m so thankful we’re okay. I hope you’re okay too.

Please take care of yourself. stay safe. practice all the proper social distancing and hygiene suggestions from the CDC. tell your people you love them. get enough sleep. Take care of your physical and mental health.

xoxo – Monica

NOTE: I’m not a doctor or medical professional. If you are sick, suspect you’ve been around someone who is/was sick or want information on Covid19 – contact your doctor. See the CDC website for more info here.

Pile on the Miles virtual Running challenge – Day 10

It’s pile on the Miles Day 10 and since this post is so long I’m using it as the POTM check-in. Please chime in with your running update here or on today’s Instagram @RunEatRepeat post!

Run eat Repeat and Ben – Partial Update

*Who is Ben? –  Ben is my ex. I used to blog about my life on a daily basis and he was a big part of it, so long time followers know him/us. right now he’s in California and we’re spending time together… a lot of time when we were quarantined together.

*Are you and Ben getting the band back together? – I don’t know anything. If you have a direct line to God or a time machine and can see the future – please find out and let me know. धन्यवाद।

See my Instagram @RunEatRepeat for a recent cameo Ben made on my reels and be sure to follow for more.

सम्बन्धित पोष्टहरू:

Wearing a face Mask While Running Outside

I took the Covid19 Antibody Test

Covid19 test – My Experience 

For more information on Covid19 – See the CDC website here. 

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी लिएर जान्छु:

I got a Covid-19 test video of My Experience

I got a Covid-19 test video of My Experience

Hi! Here’s a quick video of my experience taking the Covid-19 test and Ben’s experience taking the Covid-19 rapid Test.

I Took The Covid19 Antibody test & All You got Is This Lousy Blog

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St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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