A real Egg

because my breakfast was a fail yesterday I chose to try eggs today. I have a bunch of generic egg beater cartons, but was craving a “real egg”. So, I made an over-easy egg with toast.

I used the bread to absorb the yolk and it was so good. I haven’t done this in forever!
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
Five lower Body exercises for Runners! try this quick strength workout at home for your legs, hips and glutes. No equipment needed.

Glute Bridge
Donkey Kicks – alternating sides
Clamshells – alternating sides

Get much more info on RunEatRepeat.com

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 49 seconds

Marathon training Day 2


I also had an orange on the side and some blueberries.

Now, I am off to spend some time with my most current magazine and the elliptical. I am really less inspired to work out because I can’t run, but I’m still making sure to do something each day. I may not be burning numerous calories, but I want to stay in the practice of exercising in the morning.

On the agenda for today:

– Elliptical

– study for HTML final exam

– breathe article

– speak to house management about lease

– Weight loss Wednesdays post

– Babysitting till 7pm

Happy Wednesday! only two much more days until I’m headed to Las vegas and then spending the rest of the week in California!!!

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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