Sorry Dorothy…You’re Not in Kansas

six indications you’re not in California any type of more:

6. You believe a bit snow is nothing an umbrella can’t solve…
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News flash – the snow flies up into your deal with umbrella or not.

5. You leave the home with a smile since you have no concept exactly how quick the chilly will get to your bones. (You won’t be smiling for long in 15 degree weather.)

4. You believe Ben is Santa Claus since he now has a white beard.

3. You’re not in California anymore…Proof: There is no Pacific Ocean, only ICE.

2. You can’t discover your car. It may be under there some where, however do you truly want to dig with a foot of snow of five different cars and trucks before you discover your own?!

1. as well as the top indication you’re not in California anymore… You put on much more clothes to leave the home than you used all summertime last year combined!

So, Ben as well as I did take on walking to the shopping center today. It was really truly lovely ?

Unfortunately, many of the stores (except the deptartment stores) were closed. We did discover Panera open for a snack – I had a bite of this gingerbread bagel with cream cheese ?

When we got house I made a huge salad…

and had a bite of Ben’s ravioli.

Since we are snowed in I believed it was a ideal time for baking! But, I didn’t understand what to make. I wished to utilize up some canned pumpkin I had so I mixed up pumpkin, eggs, spices as well as sugar to make private pumpkin desserts. They are a cross between a soufle as well as a pie.

They came apart when I tried to scoop them out of the cupcake pan. I ought to have utilized indivual baking cups, however you online as well as learn.

I likewise made banana bites. I like throwing things together as well as making yummy stuff.

All you requirement are bananas, chocolate chips as well as walnuts.

I melted the choc chips, smashed up the walnuts as well as chopped the naner. Then, dip, dip as well as freeze. कस्तो सजिलो! now eat ?

See ya men later ?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी छनौट गरिरहनुहोस्:

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Hello! कस्तो भइरहेको छ? just wished to inspect in as well as state hi… hi! as well as update you on the most recent running as well as eating going on

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सरल enter कम्पन्टेन्ट कद्दू कूनी रेसिपी। केक मिश्रित हल्का नुस्खाको लागि तेलको सट्टा कुकीहरू मनपर्दछ। केक कुटर

शरिद shift ्ग चलिरहेको मनपर्ने

शरिद shift ्ग चलिरहेको मनपर्ने

पतनको लागि दलित गियर हुनु पर्छ। सबै धावकहरूको लागि तपाईंको उत्कृष्ट यस मौसममा सच्याउन सुझावहरू। प्लस मेरो मनपर्ने रन गियर

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तपाईं डिज्नील्याण्ड जानु अघि सुझावहरू बुझ्नु पर्छ

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