Just The tip Tuesday–Bragg liquid Aminos

How’s your Tuesday going? I don’t have to be into work until this afternoon so I’ve been working on blog stuff and writing all morning.

Around 10am I had some nuts and a honey tangerine. The tangerine was really good, but had 2 seeds in each segment. I coulda done without that.
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

Unorthodox book and Netflix review
Review of the book & Netflix series – Unorthodox. A good listen – book, podcast and visual entertainment review series.

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Lunch was the usual – Salad with TJ’s peanut dressing and Bragg’s liquid aminos. I scored those crackers from the natural products Expo, they weren’t good.

Now for Tuesday’s “Just the Tip”:

I eat TJ’s Peanut dressing every.single.day. mostly in salads and stir-frys. sometimes in cereal or straight from the bottle.

Anyways, I have also been complimenting my dishes with Bragg’s liquid Aminos and now eat this daily too! I am not afraid of salt – since I drink so much liquid and I’m a salty sweater I need it. But, I am very LIBERAL.

With my salt and soy sauce usage. (See what I did there?)

I’ve been using Bragg liquid aminos since it has less sodium. It’s also Gluten free.

Fun Useless fact: When I was in college I learned about gluten free diets and randomly wanted to try it (before the blog). I was on board until lunch when my co-worker told me soy sauce had gluten. My response was something like, “F-this I’m out.”

To round out my lunch I had a piece of Ezekiel raisin bread with ICBINB, stevia and pumpkin pie spice.

Last week I did the Subaru first car webisode shoot.

Well, I finally have the still pictures to share with you. The actual video is coming soon!

This is awkward. What should I do with my hands?!

Tuesday tip for me: fix your hair!

Remember when I dyed my hair blonde?! (I had just done it in this post.) Well, that was a massive mistake and now I’m just letting it grow out. But, it looks dumb and has a very obviously line. I’m too cheap to go to a fancy salon to fix it, but every time I wear my hair down someone asks if I bleached my ends on purpose. Um, no I’m just very dumb…

I wonder if the Bragg liquid aminos could double as hair dye…

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


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