Thursday Thoughts–Fitness magazines

delighted Thursday! this week has felt odd to me because a few of my clients have kids on spring break so they’ve canceled sessions or changed their workout days.

I ran an easy 3 miler and plan on doing abs and arms tonight at the gym  
MY most current VIDEOS

Marathon training Day 3
Marathon training Day 3

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 51 seconds

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Breakfast was a frittata from last night’s dinner and english muffin. Specifically, the good thick english muffin that made me delighted deep down inside.

Weekend before last I traveled to Galveston, TX for the Ironman 70.3. On the way home I was on an aisle seat with an eleven year old little girl in the middle and a very chatty man in his 40s at the window. The person was talking her ear off and she was incredibly polite, but I felt bad for her (he was showing her random pictures on his phone and chatting about his entire life).

I was on my computer ignoring them, but she was undoubtedly bored. I wanted to give her one of my magazines to read, but I stopped myself.

When I went to get hold of it I looked at the cover and thought headlines about “Lose Weight fast” and “Get a bikini body now!” aren’t exactly something an 11 year old must be anxious about. So, I grabbed a bag of Goldfish crackers I had from my hotel room and gave her those.

(This wasn’t the magazine in question, but they’re generally all the same.)

Let me be clear – I love magazines! I have always loved them. As a kid I would read Reader’s digest and then teen and Seventeen. now I subscribe to a ton and get 3 at a time when I’m traveling.

More than anything I think a lot of of the magazines I read are somewhat superficial, but not necessarily detrimental to my self esteem.

But, the fact that I stopped myself from handing it to an 11 year old – what does that say?

Question: Do you think fitness magazines are proper for kids or teens? At what age are they appropriate?



साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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