7 Miles and fluffy Eggs

good morning I woke up before my alarm this morning  – I was amazed because I got home around 2am on Saturday and swore I was going to catch up on sleep last night. I guess my body was ready to go!

My 6 mile run turned into 7 because I felt good. I love when that happens (because it doesn’t happen often).
मेरो सबैभन्दा नयाँ भिडियोहरू

Marathon training Day 2
Marathon training journal day 2. RunEatRepeat.com

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 1 minute, 45 seconds

Marathon training Day 3


I did a quick ‘one-two’ in the shower and made an egg sandwich with laughing cow cheese, ketchup and hot sauce.

I used to cook my eggs in the microwave each day but I’ve discovered the stove makes them fluffier plus I can add green onions.

My stomach feels a little off today – please send me healing vibes that I’m just passing an stone egg sandwich. I have one client this morning and then I’m off to Las vegas for the night. When I was little my Grams used to go on “turn around trips” to Las vegas where she would take a bus to state line early in the morning and be back that night. I kind of feel like I’m doing a turn around tonight. thankfully we have a room to crash in (and shower) with my brother.

Speaking of Las Vegas… Here’s an short article on Vegan food in Vegas

And here’s an how I look when I eat watermelon…

Question: What was the highlight of your weekend?

Dinner out with Susan reminded me I ought to do that much more often!

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!





चिठी पत्र


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St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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