Rock n Roll San Diego half Marathon 13 Highlights from the race!

I ran the rock n Roll San Diego this weekend and have a ton of pics and fun to share! but I’m going to keep this fast and just give ya the top 13.1 highlights…

1. The night before I stayed with Kristin @StuftMama and she brought it with the pre-run carb-loading! We made pizzas with tons of toppings. There was also salad but I was too distracted and didn’t get a picture of it.
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2. I did a flat runner with everything I was going to take for the race. [Flat Runner = setting out all your clothes & gear before a run to show what you’re going to wear/have on your body during the race. It helps make sure you have everything.]

Kristin has a lot of animals including 2 hairless cats that slept with me. She also has a big canine that I love! I would have preferred to spoon with him but I’ll take what I can get…

3. cute Shuttle!!

The race series gave me a pass for the VIP Experience – it was amazing! It includes a vehicle parking pass for a particular vehicle parking structure and shuttle to the Start. This was very valuable because we got a lil lost off the freeway and were running late!! If not for the shuttle I don’t know what we would have done!

4. The day before the race I did an 8 mile run while listening to Meb’s newest book –

यो मलाई मन पर्छ। I’m not done with it yet, but so far I think it’s the best running book I’ve read. I’ll review it when I’m finished, but I certainly recommend it.

The book is a highlight alone… but extra special because of something that happened post-race.

5. The VIP tent with soooo close to the starting Line. You can see it and hear the race announcer so you know what corral is starting next.

Plus there’s coffee, juice, yogurt and a spread of bagels…

6. There’s a separate VIP bag check – which I really appreciate because I got to wear my pre-race clothes for as long as possible. I promise my body has an unreasonable reaction to cold!! So I waited until the last minute to take off my throw-away gear, put it in my checked bag and didn’t even have to throw it away so I can use it again!! Boom.

The area has it’s own restrooms and extras in case you forgot something. (Oh, this reminds me I still have to tell you about Laguna Hills.)

7. The Race!

Kristin and I took our time starting. I wasn’t really able to eat before the race because I just felt extra nervous and weird. So I was going to listen to my body on pace and race day goals.

I still have this very tight spot in my left glute that goes down a little bit to my hamstring. I’ve been stretching and rolling it out but there’s still something there. I’ve discovered it gets extra tight after I drive and I drove about 2 hours the day before so that probably exacerbated it. (Autocorrect wants to make ‘glute’ – gluten so bad… but I’m pleased with my gluten thank you very much.)

8. My favorite part of the course!! I love this guy!!

This is one of the landmarks for every rock N Roll Marathon series race – a big rocker you run under through the legs. It’s substantial and fun! In the past it’s been a man I think with a guitar?

Anyway. He’s rocking Brooks Run pleased gear because they’re the main shoe sponsor of the series. So the foam finger says ‘Run Happy’ – that’s a good pointer mid-race!!

9. Done!

Rock N Roll San Diego half Marathon finish Time 1:55:13

The Race course / review and Information

Course: The course is moderate in difficulty. There are hills. I think they’re evenly spread throughout the course so there’s not one section that really kills ya. There were a lot of cute lil shops and pretty murals to look at.

Weather: The weather is good and mild at the start but can get warm as the marine layer burns off.

Race Day: RnR always seems to be well organized and on time. There are plenty of water stops.

Extra notes: The Music!! There are bands spread out across the course which makes it fun!

There were also a couple of different people offering beverages to runners. Cheers!

My race: I want to learn something from every race so I can improve. I feel like I’ve been phoning it in (or texting it in?). So I’m going to review my race review form and think about my race, training and goals today.

Use this Race review form to check in with how you did on your race.

10. Post-race silliness… it’s just me.

Kristin has been my running buddy for the last 3 races and it’s been so much much more fun to run with someone!! I’ve had a hard time getting back out there and knowing she’s going to race too helps push me to show up.

11. Massage!

After the race we headed to the VIP tents, easily grabbed our stuff from the checked gear tent and registered for a massage.

Then, I changed and by the time I was done my naमलाई मालिश समयको लागि बोलाइएको थियो। त्यस व्यक्तिले केही इलेक्ट्रो-जादुई उपकरण प्रयोग गर्यो कि मेरो मांसपेशीहरूले जंगली जस्तो जोडी गर्न र त्यसपछि तिनीहरूले आराम गरे। यो वास्तवमै मलाई चाहिएको थियो !! म उसलाई सोध्न आग्रह गरें कि उपकरण के हो र कसरी म एक पाउन सक्छु, तर म यस क्षेत्रमा यो रमाईलो गर्थे (र कसरी अनौंठो र अद्भुत महसुस गर्छु)।

12. Mimosas !!

चियर्स! र दौड मेडल …

र खाना !!

1 .. meb !!

Meb vip तालिका मा थियो र हामीले छोड्नु भन्दा पहिले मैले एउटा तस्वीर मागें र उसलाई उनको पुस्तक अहिलेसम्म उत्तम चालु बुक हो भने। मलाई थाहा छैन यदि उसले मलाई विश्वास गर्छ भने मैले भर्खरै मेरो टाउको हल्लाउँदै दोहोर्याइन र यो डरलाग्दो कथाहरू र पाठहरू छन्। मैले सायद आफूलाई दोहोर्याएको थिएँ र कुनै अर्थ राख्दिन तर मलाई लाग्छ उसले यो सतह हो। पोइन्ट हो … MEB !! मैले अघिल्लो दिन आफ्नो पुस्तक सुनेँ र त्यसपछि यो सामान्य जीवन नै सामान्य जीवन हो।

1.1.1 VIP अनुभव जुनसुकै रेसहरू उपलब्ध छ – तपाईं यहाँ धेरै बाहिर फेला पार्न सक्नुहुनेछ: रक एन रोल VIP अनुभव

अब मैले मेरो अर्को दौड खोज्नु पर्छ !! म गम्भीरतापूर्वक यति धेरै प्रेरणाहरू धेरै जसो र मेबको पुस्तक र पहिले बिहानको हरिश समय !! म सबै दौडहरूको लागि साइन अप गर्न चाहन्छु!

अझै चाहानुहुन्छ?

रियल अफ रोल म्याराथन श्रृंखला र आइरनम्यानबाट पावलको पोडस्टल्स सुन्नुहोस्

प्रश्न: तपाईको सूचीमा के छ?

नोट: रक एन रोल म्याक म्याराथ श्रृंखलाले मलाई रेस प्रविष्टि र VIP पाससँग प्रस्ताव गर्यो। सबै विचारहरू आफ्नै हुन्।

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!

1 ‘्ग



ठूलो गाडीको


चिठी पत्र


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