Coca-Cola with Coffee evaluation

Coke Iced Coffee – REVIEW

Coke with Coffee?? हो। Coca-Cola has a new line of drinks out that are ‘Coke with Coffee’. considering that I’m a fan of Coke Zero as well as Iced Coffee I bought a can of the Dark Roast as well as Vanilla Zero to try as well as evaluation for you.

Have you tried them?? let me understand your thoughts!

Coca-Cola with Coffee evaluation Notes:

I bought these at Ralph’s in southern California. Their product finder states they can’t find on the internet merchants nearby, however they are offered at my regional store (so perhaps just not on the internet for some reason).

They were under $3.00 each.

There are 5 flavors available: Dark, Vanilla, Carmel, Dark Zero as well as Vanilla Zero

I’m trying the Dark Zero Sugar as well as Vanilla Zero Sugar in the video.

It tastes like you accidentally poured Coke Zero into your iced coffee cup as well as didn’t recognize there was still coffee in it.

Coca Cola with Coffee – Nutrition as well as Ingredients

Here are the nutrition stats as well as components for the Coca-Cola Dark blend Zero Sugar. I stated in the video that it doesn’t state exactly how much caffeine is in it on the can, however it did have it on their website.

Coca-Cola with Coffee Vanilla Zero Sugar – components as well as Nutrition label

Just like the dark blend ( as well as Coke Zero) this has zero calories. right here are the stats…

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Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram as well as let me understand if you’ve tried them OR what’s your preferred iced coffee??

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