Craziest Year ever part II

The second half of 2009 started with my “Road trip across America”. It was fun, scary, tiring, overwhelming as well as more! Then, I started a new job, went to Belize as well as got incredibly homesick. It’s been an experience as well as the craziest year of my life!!!

July – We started in Las vegas Baby! The road trip to end All!
MY most current VIDEOS

How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. This includes:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Lunge – ideal
Lateral Lunge – left

Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on

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0 seconds of 3 minutes, 9 seconds

Next Up
4 minute lower Body workout for Runners


Then hit up Salt Lake City. So Salty

Road trip: Yellowstone Where we got a ticket ideal before entering the park as well as made a decision we must paint our car…

We hit up install Rushmore – which I’ve wrapped up is very cool, however kinda a vacationer trap.

Ben as well as I recieved an anonymous note on our vehicle wanting us luck in our marriage. It was the nicest thing a complete stranger has ever done for me.

August was a slower month, so we’ll avoid it.

September – My honeymoon in Belize!

Greetings from Belize

Belize Day Three

You much better Belize It!

Belize Inland Time

Oh, as well as I went to Guatemala ?

October – Ben as well as I dressed at the Flintstones for Halloween!

I covered a story in Mississippi

November – My fam came out for T-day!

December – I went back to CA for Christmas as well as happiness!

Whew!!! I have made so lots of memories this year I hope I can keep in mind them all!

I have even bigger plans for 2010 as well as am so ecstatic for a new year as well as a fresh start!

I will see you in 2010 with my goals as well as resolutions ?



साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको





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St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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