Rainy Boot Camp

Last night I had my race day victory dance at Yogurtland. It doesn’t matter if I win, lose, fall, fail, PR, quit or barf – I eat fro-yo on race day.

Yogurtland is doing a fun 12 days of Christmas promotion with a different featured flavor everyday! yesterday they had White chocolate Macadamia Nut cookie. Today is the last day (hello, Dec. 12). But, I’m very sad to see I missed Egg Nog  and Cinnamon Graham Today’s flavor is chocolate Mint Cookies.
मेरो सबैभन्दा नयाँ भिडियोहरू

खराब रनबाट सिक्दै
खराब रनहरू हुन्छन् – यहाँ म यसलाई कसरी बित्दैसक्दछु र मेरो अर्को रनबाट सिकें। suggestion to help you become a better runner by being a neutral observer of your workouts.

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 सेकेन्डको minutes मिनेट, 48 48 सेकेन्ड

Marathon training Day 6


This morning I woke up bright and early for my first boot camp that I taught solo! I was nervous, but I had the workout all planned and ready. As I went to turn the music on it started to rain. के? I didn’t even realize that was in the forecast. major fail.

Then, only 2 ladies showed up (because we don’t do rain in SoCal). So, I had to utilize the space under the roofing system area and improvise (normally we’re on the black top at a school). It ended up alright because there was only 3 of us it was plenty of room. But, I need to plan a rainy day workout for next time!

I’m just filling in for the instructor on getaway this week. I take over my own boot camp in January so please email me if you’re in the Irvine area and want much more information. This camp is ladies of all levels so you don’t have to be fit or a runner to join (They had me take a picture in black tank for the website.)

After camp I had PB&J toast before taking a walk with Ben.

The day after long runs or races I’m typically hungrier than normal so I also snacked on blackberries and a PB topped banana while making an open faced beggel sandwich

Monday Mini-Goals for 12/12/2011:

1. stick to workout plan (see below)

2. healthy snacks between meals (too numerous cookies lately!)

3. start Christmas shopping!

4. clean out email

Workout plan for the week:

Monday: Yoga

Tuesday: tempo run

Wednesday: Mid-distance

Thursday: Strength, abs

Friday: 3 with 1 fast

Saturday: LR

Sunday: Rest

Question: What are your goals for the week?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी छनौट गरिरहनुहोस्:

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आधा म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण योजना। पूर्ण रूपमा नि: शुल्क 10 हप्ता आधा म्याराथन तालिका चलिरहेको र स्ट्रेच दिनहरूको तालिका। दौड दिन प्याकिंग सूची एक

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डिज्नी वर्ल्ड म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण हप्ता 1

Dopty चुनौती प्रशिक्षण हप्ता 1 राम्रो … जब मैले गत हप्ता dopy चुनौती चलाउन को लागी म प्राय: आश्चर्य थियो

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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