Embarrassing Running costume

I woke up this morning feeling crappy from all the indulgences last night (burgers, fries, onions rings, fro-yo, hello!). I wasn’t hungry but knew I must eat before the gym (plus I try to eat within an hour of waking). So I made some eggs with salsa and laughing cow cheese.

MY most current VIDEOS

Marathon training Day 2
Marathon training journal day 2. RunEatRepeat.com

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 1 minute, 45 seconds

Face Mask for Running or walking outside TIPS


Salsa is the easiest way to get veggies in your egg scrambles. I pour a serving ideal into the pan and cook it all up together. When it’s nearly done I fold in the cheese.

Since the half marathon is tomorrow I didn’t run and made a decision to hit the gym for a strength session. I hate not running on Saturdays, it’s my favorite thing! I’m pretty sure God intended for me to run on the 6th day. So, the gym wasn’t very fun, but I knew I must do some kinda exercise.

On the way home I rewarded myself with a very ripe peach and made a lunch with leftovers. I call this “Leftovers salad”. Don’t try to steal that name either, I stayed up all night trying to name this dish…

And a yogurt granola bowl. There might be some yogurt in there, but it’s mostly granola.

Then, I finally got to work on my costume for the Tinkerbell half Marathon for tomorrow! nothing like waiting till the last minute to see if you’re budget costume idea is going to fail, right?

After making a substantial mess on my kitchen table…

and getting glitter glue on my hands, feet and in my hair, my costume was finally done!

Only a handful of people guessed my costume correctly, did you guess…

ARIEL! (image source)

C’mon, having red hair is only good for 2 things:

1.) Not having a soul

2.) dressing up like Ariel if you’re a girl

(or Shaun White if you’re a boy)

So, it was either this or Ursula…

Truthfully, I feel kinda dumb in it, but it’s too late to change it now.  I just have a feeling one of my shells is going to fall off and I’m going to have a major wardrobe malfunction

I gotten green tights to wear under the skirt, but they look weird. So I think this is going to be the final draft. I cannot run with my hair down, so I think I might do a side braid too.

Two years ago I was in Orlando to run the Disney world full marathon. You can read my recap here.

The start is at 5:45am tomorrow! Ridiculous. I might as well head over there now.

Question: Is there a certain person or character that you’ve always wanted to dress up as?

I have always wanted to be little Mermaid considering that I was a kid and have been singing “Part of your world” all day. I know, I’m a dork but I’m still singing it.

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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1 proce द्रुत पूर्व रन-खाजा विचारहरू

1 proce द्रुत पूर्व रन-खाजा विचारहरू

तपाईं दौडने र कहिले खान अघि खानेकुरा। 1 prock फास्ट प्रिइन प्रिड गर्नुहोस् नयाँ धावकहरू र आधा म्याराथनको लागि प्रशिक्षणकहिले पनि नभई म कहिले पनि राइगर्स 2 को लागी खेल्दैन

कहिले पनि नभई म कहिले पनि राइगर्स 2 को लागी खेल्दैन

मँ धाराकारहरूको लागि कहिले पनि खेल नहुनुहोस् एच

वजन घटाउने, तरबूज र सप्ताहन्त अद्यावधिकहरू डिएगोसँग अपडेटहरू

वजन घटाउने, तरबूज र सप्ताहन्त अद्यावधिकहरू डिएगोसँग अपडेटहरू

आफैलाई कसरी प्रेम गर्ने जब तपाईं आफैंमा सुधार गर्नुहुन्छ। शरीर फेशिटिस्ट गर्दा वजन हराइरहेको छ वा लक्ष्य पछि जाँदै। विचार कसरी

डिस्ने दौड दिन प्याकिंग सूचीलाई मानार्थ प्रिन्ट योग्य PDF

डिस्ने दौड दिन प्याकिंग सूचीलाई मानार्थ प्रिन्ट योग्य PDF

मानार्थ राइट डिस्ने रेस्टेन राजन सप्ताहन्त योजना सूची। वाल्ट डिज्नी वर्ल्ड म्याराथन, आधा, 10k र kk रेस दिन प्याकिंग सूची।

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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